"After reaching the top of the podium at the 2006 Turin Olympics, [Hannah] Teter embarked on a charitable mission through her website Hannah's Gold (www.hannahsgold.com) to help an impoverished town in Kenya to acquire basic necessities...After finishing second in a grand prix event in Utah last month, Teter donated her $10,000 winnings to the earthquake victims in Haiti." (Fox News)
Keith Hennessey has six economic ideas that he agrees with Obama on (some with caveats).
"When Yitta Schwartz died last month at 93, she left behind 15 children, more than 200 grandchildren and so many great- and great-great-grandchildren that, by her family’s count, she could claim perhaps 2,000 living descendants." (NY Times)
"In an attempt at transparency, Obama has decided to make public the list of all visitors after a 90-day lag to preserve security." "More than 5.5 million people requested tours of the White House last year." (Washington Post) Do casual tourists really need their names posted to a government website?
ABC Shuts Down Pro-Leftist Polling Site 538
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