Hedge fund manager Cliff Asness writes in a Bloomberg article that true health insurance reform should focus on restoring the true purpose of insurance: "True insurance comprises two things. The first one is a goal: to protect against very large losses. The second one is a method: the proper assessment and pricing of risk."
He argues health care costs are too high partly because "All incentive for the consumer to control costs is abandoned." Why? Most health care costs, "including routine and minor care," are paid for by someone else, and the most common someone else (your employer) has a tax incentive to provide more health care benefits.
In pursuit of social "equality", politicians are moving toward arguing "the same premium must be charged for a well-protected, unscathed house as for one that is already on fire." "The business of insurance is about determining risk and charging accordingly. It’s why insurance companies exist. If we eliminate that, medical insurers are just form-processing companies for the government."
Instead of heavily regulating insurance for everyone due to the few that have extremely high health costs and poor (or no) insurance, Asness claims "direct state subsidy is far more efficient." Not an easy thing for a libertarian like Asness to say.
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