What would we do without CNN? The lead story on CNN.com right now is "Obama aims to reset health care debate, aides say". In the article, an unnamed White House official says Obama is "considering all of his options on how to advance the debate and get reform passed. This includes possibly laying out a more specific vision." The chief executive of our country is considering being specific? That would really be novel. Also, hasn't his line all along been that everything's on the table? How is this a change worth reporting?
The article says David Axelrod thinks: "Obama is contemplating giving a major speech detailing what he would like to see included in health care legislation." Contemplating yet another speech! Why didn't anyone think of that before? I guess the way to deal with "wavering support" is to finally tell people what you are asking them to support?
If you keep reading, trying to figure out what makes this fluff newsworthy, the article says "No decisions have been made yet". Whew - I thought I was missing something in all the earlier certainty!
Near the end of the article, it says "Obama has come under growing pressure from liberal activists and leading congressional Democrats to provide more specifics". Ok - now I see the news - the Democrats are upset that their leader isn't providing any leadership.
Why didn't CNN just say so?
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