As for me, I'd rather send my money someplace more,, better. Donating to the government is like offering a whiskey shot to an alcoholic.
How to Waste Your Charitable Contributions
As for me, I'd rather send my money someplace more,, better. Donating to the government is like offering a whiskey shot to an alcoholic.
How much do votes cost?
Louisiana Purchase
Cornhusker Kickback
U Con
Bayh Off
Gator Aid
Handout Montana
So, how does one calculate the cost of buying these votes to the taxpayer? Is it merely the sum of these provisions, or is it the cost of the entire bill, which likely would not pass without them?
An Agnostic's Thoughts on Tithing
Interestingly, Jacobs notes: "as I gave away money, I think I might have felt God's pleasure. Which is odd. Because I'm agnostic. I don't know if there's a God or not, but still I felt some higher sense of purpose. It was like a cozy ember that started at the back of my neck and slowly spread its warmth through my skull. I felt like I was doing something I should have done all my life."
This year, and in 2010, whatever your personal convictions, consider "saying thank you to the universe -- or to God or to fate or to whatever you believe in" by giving to charity!
Interesting Statistic on Party Affiliation
Congress Bends the Credibility Curve
1) They constantly confuse "price" with "cost", which leads to rationing of services, and subsidization of government-insured patients by privately-insured ones. This might help the cost curve for people insured by the government, but probably increases costs to overall U.S. health care, and
2) They have almost no credibility when it comes to keeping promises regarding spending restraint, and voters have little reason to believe the bill will really be "deficit neutral", although Obama will make a big point of it at the signing ceremony.
To the first point, various members of Congress say they are controlling "cost" of medical services, when all they are really doing is cutting the "price" they are going to pay for them. For example, if Congress wants to make surgery cheaper, they propose cutting the amount Medicare reimburses for anesthesiologists, surgeons, and equipment (the "price"). However, the "cost" of everything needed to perform the surgery stays the same. The hospital's rent, utilities, salaries, and everything else does not move. Medicare and other government programs often reimburse health care providers less than their costs. For this reason, many hospitals and doctors lose money on Medicare patients, and make it up with their profits from privately-insured patients. For doctors and hospitals practicing in areas with a high percentage of Medicare/Medicaid patients, this becomes an even bigger problem, as they have less profitable patients subsidizing the profitable ones. If Congress continues to cut "cost", while leaving "price" alone, they are forcing many doctors or hospitals to operate at a financial loss, refuse to see Medicare patients (which many doctors do), or simply go out of business. Also, cuts in government insurance contribute to rising premiums for those with private insurance due to the implicit subsidy.
On the second point, Medicare is subject to a "sustainable growth rate" (SGR) according to budget rules which, according to the Wall Street Journal's Health Blog, "says essentially that the amount Medicare pays doctors for an average Medicare patient can’t grow faster than the economy as a whole." This restriction is supposed to keep Medicare spending relatively under control. The various reform bills in Congress rely on the SGR to keep the bills "deficit neutral". However, Congress repeatedly overrides the SGR. Ted Kennedy even showed up to vote to override the cuts after being diagnosed with brain cancer, and they even broke into applause after voting to ignore the SGR. Believing this bill will really be "deficit neutral" requires you ignore all the evidence that a group of people with a 22% approval rating will change their ways overnight.
Also, Obama's proposal to spend $14 billion to pay $250 to seniors because the law on the books would give them no Social Security cost-of-living adjustment this year makes me even more nervous. This New York Times article quotes University of Michigan economist Joel Slemrod as saying: “If the long-term issue is entitlement reform, the fact that the political system cannot say no to $250 checks to elderly people is a bad sign.”
The U.S. is already heavily burdened by growing entitlement programs. Medicare is projected to run out of money in 8 years. If Congress is really concerned about reforming entitlement programs, they have to reduce eligibilty or reduce benefits. This health care "reform" bill does the opposite of both, and kicks all of the existing problems down the road to a future Congress and President.
While the ink is still drying on this round of "reform", Congress will need to get to work tackling the real problems. Or, they can just keep waiting for someone else to take the political hit.
"Reform" That Prohibits Reform points out that if states don't get the incentive if they “limit attorneys’ fees or impose caps on damages.” (here) This "reform" bill is effectively saying states can do any kind of medical malpractice reform, as long as they don't actually address the problem. Genius.
So this is what lawyers get for their political contributions and connections...
NPR on Homebuyer Tax Credit Fraud
The Wall Street Journal reports:
Among those claiming bogus credits, at least some of them were definitely first-timers. The credit has already been claimed by 500 people under the age of 18, including a four-year-old. This pre-K housing whiz likely bought because mom and dad make too much to qualify for the full credit, which starts to phase out at $150,000 of income for couples, $75,000 for singles.The NPR article points out that "the IRS doesn't require people applying for the credit to prove they've purchased a house." Frank Keith, a spokesman for the IRS, says "the IRS doesn't have the authority to reject a claim for the tax credit without doing a full audit first." So, "the IRS is reportedly trying to audit almost everyone who claims it this year."
Someday, the government should consider opening offices where you can show up, choose from a menu of government handouts, present ID, and walk out with your check. At least that would be efficient. Oh wait, I forgot about my last trip to the DMV.
"Middle of the road" Partisanship?
This bill is so "middle of the road" that a separate AP story says "About 30 unions will run a full-page ad in newspapers Wednesday announcing their opposition to the Senate Finance Committee's health overhaul bill".
I guess the AP decided a bill that is not even supported by a key Democratic constituency and only supported by one Republican is supposed to be praised as an accomplishment.
A 70% Tax on the Poor?
According to James Capretta (here), using the CBO analysis of the Baucus bill, the US government (taxpayers) would provide a $16,500 subsidy for families at the poverty line. As incomes rise, the subsidy declines. A family earning twice the poverty rate would only get a subsidy of $9,072. So, by earning $24,000 more, this family loses $7,428 in government subsidies, or almost 31% of their added income.
Capretta points out other existing government tax breaks that phase out over these income levels, like the Earned Income Tax Credit, which phases out at about $0.21 for each additional dollar earned. This family would lose about $5,000 of their EITC, about another 20% of their added income.
Economist Greg Mankiw (here) adds in additional effects of the payroll tax that bring the marginal tax rate closer to 80%. So, a family of four in 2016 when the Baucus bill would be in full effect, would only get to keep 20-30% of their additional income if they move from the poverty line to double that.
The unintended consequence is that this family has every incentive to just remain poor and beg their Congressmen for additional help. Why work harder if the benefits you lose are almost as big as the extra money you earn? And why not ask for more benefits when you aren't the one paying for them?
Biased Media Coverage of Town Halls: Which Party Does It help?
Although I agree the coverage was not balanced, I think Dionne ignores several points, and that the unbalanced coverage could also be evidence to the contrary of Dionne's conclusion.
First, most of the media coverage I saw about the protesters marginalized them, calling them ingorant, extremists, or worse, and many of the TV talking heads expanded this to include anyone else who thought like the protesters, or even entire regions or political parties. CNN regularly had panel discussions among pundits about it. The panel was often the show's host, 2 or 3 people criticizing the protesters, and one person meekly defending them. On CNN, I often saw the host interrupt and/or rebut the defender, while letting the criticizer take their time and finish their point. Instead of what Dionne is concluding, it's just as easy to conclude that the excess coverage of the protesters was an attempt to color all dissent as idiotic, while the President and others are calm and above the fray.
Second, the media are entertainment. If they're boring, nobody will watch. Dionne should know this, since the newspaper industry he works for is suffering as a result. So, nobody should be surprised at the absence of coverage of boring meetings. But, what really surprised me was how little people were aware of all the hatred that went on during the Bush years. The ignorance about how tame the town hall protests were in comparison supports the story that the town hall protesters were extremists. By covering one party's extremists, while ignoring the others, do the media make the party they cover look better or worse than the one they ignore? This website has excellent coverage of how extreme Bush-hating became during his presidency, and how little of it was covered by the media. I also commented on the assymetric coverage of "crazies" here, in response to a Washington Post article claiming only the Republican party has crazies.
Third, Dionne continues the storyline that all dissent is extremist by ignoring all the more mainstream forms of protest against the current version of health care reform. If the media were trying to cover only "right-wingers" in order to stop health care reform, why would they spend so much time on the protesters that are easiest to dismiss, and not on everyone else?
Opposition is far more widespread than a few outspoken people at town hall meetings - if the media's agenda was what Dionne suggests, they would focus on opposition from more serious groups. The AARP is very hesitant to back reform (my note here), many medical associations are against it (my note on one group of anesthesiologists here), and many feel tort reform should an important part of the bill, but Obama has ruled it out (here, here).
At, there is a petition with more than 1.2 million signatures against Obamacare. By the time the petition is finished, it may be the largest such petition ever. John Goodman, one of the petition's organizers, wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal last week, and describes the signers:
These are a very diverse group of people. Some of them are part of a 40,000-person network of former Obama supporters who are experiencing buyer's remorse. Others are part of various disease networks, including patients concerned about the future of cancer care. There are networks of senior citizens worried about cuts in Medicare and the possible closing of their private Medicare insurance plans. There are Christian conservatives worried about taxpayer-funded abortions and subsidies for euthanasia. And there are an enormous number of people who are simply concerned about their health care.
While you might disagree with many of these reasons, the diversity of the opposition proves that dissent is not limited to a few, like-minded people.
I also think the media is de-emphasizing the fact that the Democrats could pass heath care reform without any support from Republicans, if they could just agree among themselves. They have the White House and both houses of Congress. An August 1 Washington Post article (my note on the article) about the legislative process behind HR 3200 said: "Democrats have large majorities in both chambers, but they have discovered the perils of being a party that yokes together Northern California liberals and Deep South good ol' boys." If the right-wing dissenters are not the deciding factor in the debate, why cover them far more than the fighting within the Democratic Party?
Finally, Dionne does everyone a disservice by encouraging political debate based on ad hominem arguments, where citizens judge the message based on the messenger, not on the content. The more time people spend trying to figure out who is biased and how, the less time they spend analysing the message and seeking out diverse opinions. Partisan or personal attacks make for better entertainment than coverage of a quiet town hall meeting, but they probably don't give voters the information they need to make wise decisions at the ballot box, which is the purpose of a free media. I prefer to assume everyone is biased (because everyone is), find someone with the opposite bias, and listen to both. Let everyone speak honestly and openly, so everyone can make an informed decision.
President Obama wanted more transparency in the health care debate, and promised to televise much of it to keep people informed and involved. He broke that promise, and you have to wonder if the current situation would be improved if he had kept it.
Most useless "news" story ever?
The article says David Axelrod thinks: "Obama is contemplating giving a major speech detailing what he would like to see included in health care legislation." Contemplating yet another speech! Why didn't anyone think of that before? I guess the way to deal with "wavering support" is to finally tell people what you are asking them to support?
If you keep reading, trying to figure out what makes this fluff newsworthy, the article says "No decisions have been made yet". Whew - I thought I was missing something in all the earlier certainty!
Near the end of the article, it says "Obama has come under growing pressure from liberal activists and leading congressional Democrats to provide more specifics". Ok - now I see the news - the Democrats are upset that their leader isn't providing any leadership.
Why didn't CNN just say so?
Government Stimulates Itself
The report also revealed that through the end of June that stimulus money created or saved 796 jobs, with 700 of those state workers who did not have to get laid off thanks to the federal grants, Fitch said.If you work for a private firm, your company probably has laid people off, or will. But if you work for the government, they will take money from taxpayers and from the future earnings of those private firms, making it harder for them to keep their employees, so that you can keep your job.
Hat tip to Mark Steyn of the National Review (here), who commented:
The "stimulus" is great if you're thinking of a career in Stimulus Office Management, Stimulus Office Management Consulting, Stimulus Office Human Services, Stimulus Office Promotion, or perhaps becoming a professor in Stimulus Office Studies.
Clunker of a Program
The National Automobile Dealers Association released a statement late Friday insisting problems with the government's computer application system could mean legitimate "clunker" deals can't be submitted on time.Each application for reimbursement takes up to 7 hours, and involves scanning up to 20 documents, depending on the customer. Some dealers have not been able to access the government website during regular hours due to too much volume.
The hassles involved with processing claims have dealers wondering whether the program was worth it:
"We have definitely sold more cars than we would have," [Michelle Primm, managing partner at the Cascade Auto Group in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio] told CNN, "but the administrative cost may have eaten up the additional profit."I wonder if any of these dealers have ever processed Medicare claims?
Right-wing, wacko...Anesthesiologists?
What is the ASA's objection? They call it their "33 percent problem" - "GAO, the investigatory arm of Congress, has found that Medicare pays anesthesiologists 33 percent of what private insurers pay for anesthesia services." The public plan proposed in H.R. 3200 will continue to use this rate, which the ASA says doesn't even come close to covering their costs, which include very high malpractice premiums.
This "33 percent problem" prompted an editorial in today's WSJ by anesthesiologist Ronald Dworkin which points out:
Every medical student learns an old adage: You can skimp on some medicine, but you can't skimp on obstetrics or anesthesiology. An elderly surgeon explained it to me this way, "In surgery, people die in days and weeks—a doctor has time to fix a mistake. But in obstetrics and anesthesiology, they die in minutes and seconds."Also:
In no medical specialty is the spread between the Medicare rates and private insurance rates greater. Progressives expect to pay anesthesiologists Medicare rates, which are 65% less than private insurance rates, without any change in the system. But there will be changes. Some anesthesiologists will leave the field. They are already faced with lawsuits at every turn.There is already a shortage of anesthesiologists, and Dworkin gives his thoughts on the possible effects of losing more of them:
Quality of care will inevitably decline. That decline will come first in obstetrics. At the hospital where I work, two anesthesiologists work in obstetrics almost around the clock, so that a woman in labor need not wait more than five minutes for her epidural. Other hospitals are less fortunate, and have on staff at most one anesthesiologist in obstetrics. The economic crunch will eventually force these hospitals to cover obstetrics "when anesthesiology is available," meaning in between regular operating room cases.
During an obstetrical emergency, these short-staffed anesthesia departments will scramble to send someone to perform the C-section. Don't forget, a baby has only nine minutes of oxygen when the umbilical cord prolapses, so time is of the essence.
At the very least, pregnant women will be waiting a lot longer for epidurals.
After this, further shortages become a matter of life and death according to Dworkin:
On the other hand, this rules out the "death panels". There won't be enough anesthesiologists to perform the euthanasia.More pain on the labor floor is only the beginning. If hospitals delay the administration of anesthesia because Congress skimped, needless deaths will certainly result.
Cash for Clunkers Shell Game
Since GM is now owned by the government and the UAW, any money GM advances to the dealers is really the government's money. So - GM bleeds money because they can't profitably sell cars - then they declare bankruptcy and are bailed out by the government - then the government offers cash to people to buy more cars - then the government can't pay people fast enough - so, they offer to temporarily shift their money from GM.
Will GM have to create a separate group to handle these requests that does the same thing as the government group that processes reimbursements?
Your tax dollars at work (twice)!
"It's a Matter of Trust"
In his op-ed Sunday for the New York Times [Obama] said, "We'll cut hundreds of billions in waste and inefficiency in federal health programs like Medicare and Medicaid." Hundreds of billions? Just like that? This is nothing but an assertion by one man. It's close to Peter Pan telling the children that thinking lovely thoughts will make them fly.When the AARP corrected the President's assertion that they had endorsed his plan, they said "AARP will not endorse a health care reform bill that would reduce Medicare benefits." They simply don't think this Congress and President are capable of reforming health care without killing it, and apparently a majority of Americans don't think so either.
Government You Can Believe In!
The Wall Street Journal reported that "A plan by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to limit lobbyists' influence over the $700 billion bailout program has yet to get off the ground -- even as the program nears an end...Last January, Mr. Geithner promised to craft rules preventing external influence over bailout decisions. More than six months later -- and 100 days before the financial-industry bailout program is scheduled to stop taking applications for aid -- those rules have yet to be finalized."
This failure even got the attention of the Huffington Post (here).
The Associated Press reports that "Hundreds of auto dealers in the New York area have withdrawn from the government's Cash for Clunkers program, citing delays in getting reimbursed by the government." The program has only paid for about 2 percent of those dealers clunkers deals so far, according to this article. Other articles have pointed out that up to half of dealer applications for reimbursement from the program have been denied due to minor clerical errors.
Regarding the government program, a spokesman for the dealers said "it's in the hands of this enormous bureaucracy and regulatory agency...If they don't get out of their own way, this program is going to be a huge failure."
White House Spam Attack
After initially denying that hundreds or thousands of people had received unsolicited emails from the White House, they decided to blame "unnamed political groups" for the error. Seems a President with expertise in community organizing and grass-roots politics and his advisor, David Axelrod, who founded a media consulting firm, don't know how to keep a secure email list.
Yet Another Bad Post Office Analogy
"Look at it this way: There's Federal Express, there's UPS, and there's DHL," Jackson told CNN host Larry King. "The public option is a stamp; it's email. And because of the email system, because of the post office, it keeps DHL from charging $100 for an overnight letter, or UPS from charging $100 for an overnight letter."
This is a flawed analogy on several points:
First, this "honesty" comes with a price, which he fails to acknowledge. The Post Office is projected to lose $7 billion dollars this year, in spite of raising the prices of stamps several times recently. Where is that $7 billion going to come from? It will be subsidized with tax dollars. Where do tax dollars come from? The profits of corporations and the wages of individuals.
However, it is a good analogy in the sense that Medicare is bleeding money, just like the Post Office. While many claim Medicare is "working" because it has (so far) been able to provide a reasonable level of care, the Trustees of the Medicare trust funds say Medicare payroll taxes would have to more than double ($3.88 more will be taken out of everyone's paycheck for each $100 earned), or services would have be immediately cut in half to cover Medicare's budget shortfall. Until either of these happen, the Medicare deficit is paid out of general funds, which is the money collected through income tax.
By suggesting that whenever a private business is making too much money, the solution is to create a massive, money-losing, taxpayer-funded competitor to keep everyone "honest", Jackson seems to think there is no limit to government revenue and what people are willing to pay for and tolerate. Should the Post Office, or a public health insurance option, exist merely as a mechanism for transferring money from successful businesses to failed ones, with the goal of keeping everyone "honest"? If we keep subsidizing money-losing government "businesses" for this purpose, we might end up running out of profitable businesses.
Second, the example shows a misunderstanding of microeconomics. Suppose UPS raised its rate to $100, far above current rates. They would lose all their business to others who charge less, assuming the service quality is similar. Therefore, UPS would have to reduce their rate to a level that allows them to provide the service without losing money.
So, the Post Office isn't keeping UPS from charging $100 - DHL, FedEx, and the Post Office together are competing. Also - $100 is just a ridiculous price for an overnight letter! If a business charges more than people are willing to pay for something, customers will keep you honest by finding another way, and with no government subsidy!
Third, Health care in America isn't expensive because everyone is charging consumers $100 for something that should cost $10. It's expensive because there has been an explosion in technological innovation that enables us to treat things that were recently untreatable. Waste, fraud, profits, and other factors have contributed, but according to the Congressional Budget Office, technological change accounts for 40 to 65% of the increase in health care costs from 1940 to 1990 based on their analysis of several studies (see table 2 on page 8, here).On his blog "Happiness in this World", Dr. Alex Lickerman says:
Heart attacks used to be treated with aspirin and prayer. Now they’re treated with drugs to control shock, pulmonary edema, and arrhythmias as well as thrombolytic therapy, cardiac catheterization with angioplasty or stenting, and coronary artery bypass grafting. You don’t have to be an economist to figure out which scenario ends up being more expensive.
Will Reducing Health Care Profits "Bend the Curve"?
Based on all the rhetoric about how horrible these profits are, one might think reducing these profits would have a big impact on the overall cost of health care. So, for the sake of argument, let's assume that a public option, or some other reform, is enacted and is so effective that it eliminates all the profits of publicly traded health insurance companies. What would the impact be?
I pulled the net income (aka profit) for the last 8 quarters of all publicly traded companies that are part of the Russell 3000 Index, which includes nearly all stocks. Insurance companies are part of the Health Care Providers & Services industry, according to S&P. Although not all companies in this industry are insurers, I include them all anyway, which makes a list of 95 companies, which includes Aetna, Wellpoint, Cigna, and many others.
To level out changes over time, I averaged the last 8 quarters, then multiplied this by 4 to get an estimate for a year. Then I added them all up.
By this method, I estimate that all publicly-traded health insurance companies made $18.8 billion in profit, on average, over the last two years.
Big number, right?
However, consider that total health care expenditures for 2008 are estimated to be $2.394 trillion. (See table 1, page 3, here)
Therefore, if all profits of the health insurance industry were somehow eliminated, the U.S. would save 0.8% of its total health care costs. Not what I would call "bending the curve."
What if we include all health care companies - biotech, pharma, medical device companies, etc?
This results in a list of the largest 404 health care companies, which, using the methods above, make an estimated $73.5 billion of profit. Removing this profit from the system would save us 3.1% of our total health care costs. Again, not a major impact. Instead of health care costing us 15.3% of GDP, it would cost 14.8%.
Although blaming our health care problems on the profits of companies might make some people feel better, even getting rid of them entirely will barely dent the cost problem, and would almost certainly result in other problems.
Note: This analysis was inspired by similar work in Alex Lickerman's "A Prescription for the Health Care Crisis" (here). I strongly recommend you read his thoughtful analysis of why our health care is so costly. (Hint: it's not because of profits.)
A Monopoly on Crazy?
Perlstein thinks the political right has a monopoly on crazies and, apparently, people on the left are all calm, rational, law-abiding citizens. However, either he has a very short memory, simply isn't paying attention, or intentionally wrote a one-sided partisan article to rally the troops.
While I agree that many of the town hall protests have been out of line, especially the person who was carrying a gun (perfectly legal, but totally unnecessary and unwise), and, yes there are crazies in the right wing, it's absolutely ridiculous to claim one party or the other has monopoly on crazies.
First, his claim that the recent protests are all coming from the right is unproven. Has anyone checked the party affiliation of everyone speaking up at these town hall meetings?
In addition, there has been some craziness from the left at the meetings. Does he remember the SEIU members who physically assaulted a black conservative? It's one thing to speak your mind, and another to assault someone (One is legal and the other is not. Guess which.)
Perlstein is making an intentionally partisan ad hominem attack. Instead of dealing with specific arguments in the health-care debate, he pre-emptively categorizes claims about health care from the right as false, and paranoid, while categorically validating claims from the left. Note his selective use of quotes below, when saying that Walter Cronkite would have treated this situation differently:
The media didn't adjudicate the ever-present underbrush of American paranoia as a set of "conservative claims" to weigh, horse-race-style, against liberal claims.My guess is that both sides have some valid ideas, and both sides have some bad ones.
In spite of Perlstein's "thoughts", "crazy" is not a partisan problem, but a people problem. From any perspective, you could find people "on the other side" to call crazy.
The "crazy tree" blossomed just fine when Bush was in power: How about those who claim President Bush caused 9/11? Have you ever Googled "kill Bush"? Try that, then try "Bush Nazi". Perhaps you've seen the "Kill Bush" computer game?
Remember the violent protesters during the Republican National Convention? Watch this, this, and this, but not in work or with children in the room. There was physical violence, explosions, attacks on police officers and journalists, protesters resisting arrest, and protesters recording the events to post online.
This last point seems similar to one of Perlstein's objections to the town hall events:
The BBC...quoted liberal Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin's explanation: "They want to get a little clip on YouTube of an effort to disrupt a town meeting and to send the congressman running for his car.Is Perlstein arguing that YouTube makes a protest illegitimate?
The crazy tree also blossomed among the left while President Bill Clinton was in power. In 2000, Alec Baldwin screamed on Late Night with Conan O'Brien about Henry Hyde, whose supposed crime was advocating the impeachment of Clinton:
“I’m thinking to myself if we were in other countries, we would all, right now, all of us together, . . . would go down to Washington and we would stone [Republican U.S. Representative] Henry Hyde to death! We would stone him to death! Wait! . . . Shut up! No, shut up! I’m not finished. We would stone Henry Hyde to death, and we would go to their homes and we’d kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families.”Instead of disapproving, the crowd cheered as this man (who has since considered running for public office) seemed to be advocating the murder of innocent children.
To this day, some defend Alec Baldwin's ranting on TV, saying it was just an act and he was using a public forum to show how upset people were about the ongoing investigation into President Clinton's infidelity and repeated lies while under oath.
By that same logic, if the town-hall protesters are "acting" on behalf of some organization to show how passionate people are, does that not make them legitimate as well?
In the end, the craziness from all sides helps explain why U.S. government was designed with so many checks and balances, and why polls often show that Americans prefer divided government, where one party controls the White House and a different one controls Congress. Very few want our government to stray too far one way or the other.
Perhaps the crazies on one side serve an important purpose in calling out the crazies on the other? Perhaps the fact that one party currently controls two branches of government and the other has only a slight hold on the third explains the behavior Perlstein is complaining about? Maybe they feel like they have no other representation.
Sausage Making and the Health Care Bill
Here are some excerpts from the article, with my comments:
Although everyone talks about "the bill", or the "Obama plan", there is no such thing yet. Right now, there are several versions being worked on by several different groups within Congress:
"Both chambers have, between them, three health-care reform bills -- one in the House and two in the Senate. Only one of the Senate bills has won committee approval...The huge cut-and-paste job now goes to the House Rules Committee, to be smoothed out into a final product to send to the House floor...Almost every major provision of health reform remains very much in play."Each member of Congress fights to get their pieces of legislation in. They need to make sure the bill reflects their personal convictions and/or those of their constituents, resulting in many amendments:
"The bill, a work in progress called H.R. 3200, is already phone-book thick...Some 250 amendments had appeared by Wednesday night, and the number jumped to 350 by Thursday afternoon. The amendments filled 39 file boxes on chairs, under desks and in the aisles."There is a great picture on the Washington Post website of a legislative aide surrounded by boxes and boxes of paper containing just the amendments.
In spite of President Obama's promises of a more accountable and transparent administration that would broadcast all of the health care debate on TV:
"All week, there were closed-door meetings among disparate ideological factions. The negotiations are invisible not only to the media and the public, but also to most other members of Congress."Much of the fighting is between Democrats, who are struggling to craft a final bill, in spite of controlling the White House, and both houses of Congress:
"Democrats have large majorities in both chambers, but they have discovered the perils of being a party that yokes together Northern California liberals and Deep South good ol' boys."But, even if there was only one version, and all members of Congress read it, they still wouldn't necessarily understand it:
"the bills are not exactly beach reading. They are legal documents crammed with legislative coding, sentence fragments and assorted gibberish that modifies laws already on the books somewhere. To really understand what a bill says, you'd need to have the existing laws memorized.
Here's a fairly typical passage from H.R. 3200:
Section 1834(a)(7)(A)(iii) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395m(a)(7)(A)(iii)) is amended
(1) in the heading, by inserting 'CERTAIN COMPLEX REHABILITATIVE' after 'OPTION FOR'; and
(2) by striking 'power-driven wheelchair' and inserting 'complex rehabilitative power-driven wheelchair recognized by the Secretary as classified within group 3 or higher.'
And that goes on for a thousand pages."
Is it really a surprise that there is so much confusion over what is in "the bill"? When Americans claim they trust Congressmen only slightly more than used car salesmen, should we trust them when they say something is, or isn't in there, especially when it's constantly changing and so complex?
At the end of the article, they describe the truly scary part. After all the potential amendments and versions are considered, after all the town halls and all the "read the bill!" rhetoric, congressional leaders (i.e. a small number of Democrats) get to re-write the bill and make a version that everyone will vote on - possibly within a few hours. As happened with the carbon cap-and-trade bill, someone could add on a massive amendment at this point in the process.
No wonder the legislative process is compared to the making of sausage. With all these things in mind, consider:"Before either chamber can vote on a bill, the committee chairmen, along with congressional leaders, will have to merge the disparate versions into a single bill to bring to the floor. Whatever is passed by the two chambers must then be reconciled again in "conference."
The conference committee would then produce a final bill that would have to be voted on by each chamber. If passed, the bill would go to the president. If he found it acceptable, he would sign it.
And, simple as that, it would be the law of the land."
1) Obama is not keeping his promises of transparency and pushed very hard to rush this through before the August recess, making people think he has something to hide. It seems he doesn't want everyone to know the ingredients of the sausage,
2) Obama, Barney Frank and others are on record as being in favor of things they currently claim to be against, such as a single-payer system, reducing their credibility,
3) The 24-hour news cycle and the internet have made more people aware of how the legislative sausage is made,
4) Pelosi and other leaders in Congress have a recent history of rushing things through and making last minute changes, so people don't trust Congress not to change the bill.
Ronald Reagan said "A government bureaucracy is the closest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this Earth." If this passes, there will be absolutely no way to reverse it, whether it works or not. This is a big part of why so many people are scared of this bill.
Obama Makes "Fishy" Statement About AARP Support
The AARP said: "While the President was correct that AARP will not endorse a health care reform bill that would reduce Medicare benefits, indications that we have endorsed any of the major health care reform bills currently under consideration in Congress are inaccurate."
The remainder of the AARP's statement explains that, while they agree with the need for health care reform, they are "working with leaders of both parties, including the President, to build a final package we could endorse." (Which means they are lobbying, an activity the President is endorsing by trying to cite their support.)
They seem as unsure as the rest of us that the final bill will look like the versions currently being discussed. In other words, they don't trust this President or this Congress.
"Fishy" statements from the CBO
Read his post here to see a list of fishy statements made by Mr. Elmendorf and the CBO.
Obama's Failed FedEx Analogy
Obama defended his call for a government-funded public health insurance option to compete against private insurers. He said such an option would hold down rates, rejecting accusations that it amounted to a government takeover of health care because private companies can't compete with a government-funded plan."UPS and FedEx are doing just fine," Obama said, referring to private courier services that compete with the U.S. Postal Service. "It's the Post Office that's always having problems."
However, UPS and FedEx do not compete with the Post Office in their main business of regular mail. In fact, UPS and FedEx are prohibited by law from competing in non-overnight mail. The reason nobody is allowed to compete with the Post Office is that the government is worried UPS and FedEx would do a much better job. In contrast, the health insurance reform proposes a public option for the specific purpose of competing with private insurers.
Either Obama is not aware of this fact, or he is intentionally distorting the facts. Perhaps I should send an email to the White House?
All Obama is really doing here is reminding everyone of government incompetence, and that the government cannot capably handle your mail without losing tons of money. In fact, in July, "The Government Accountability Office...added the Postal Service to its list of high-risk federal agencies in need of change," according to this AP story. The agency expects to lose $7 billion this year.
Checking the Health Reform "Reality Check"
So, has the White house convinced you? It's all benefits and no costs, right?
Not really - first consider that there is currently no single bill being considered, so how does the White House know the "facts", when they haven't been decided yet? A 309-page amendment was added to the carbon cap-and-trade bill just a few hours before the vote - will the same thing happen to this bill? Will anyone have time to read the final health care bill, when there actually is one? Will the President post the bill for public review for 5 days as he promised, or should we judge this future, hypothetical bill based on the "facts" posted here? Keep in mind that this President also promised to have a bipartisan bill, and to have the entire debate over health care reform televised so we could hold Congress and the White House accountable.
Also, consider that some of the statements in the FAQ contradict each other, contradict available evidence, or present idealistic benefits while distorting the associated costs. Here are some examples, in no particular order.
However, spreading risk is not the same as reducing cost. If these "younger, healthier people" are working, they are already paying for Medicare through the FICA payroll tax. Under the current system, if they elect not to have insurance for whatever reason, they still pay this tax, but get no benefit. If the new system requires them to have insurance, they will still pay the tax, but the government or a private insurer will be giving them benefits. So, more people will have benefits, and the same money will be coming in. How does this lower the overall cost of health care when they are getting benefits they didn't get before? Even though these people are healthier, the cost of their health care benefits is not $0.
The stated purpose of the comparative effectiveness studies is to determine which treatments are better and/or cheaper than comparable available treatments, then to tell doctors which ones to use. This is not putting treatment decisions in the hands of doctors - it is second-guessing the judgement of individual doctors dealing with individual patients, using a system that studies what works generally.
#4 -- The FAQ also says that "our incentives are perverse: Doctors are paid by the procedure, rather than for quality. We want reform that rewards quality of care not quantity of procedures. Having dozens of procedures doesn’t necessarily make you better."
Also, Obama has ruled out malpractice reform, although the current malpractice status quo contains several "perverse" incentives. Our medical malpractice system encourages many of these "extra" procedures for the purpose of avoiding lawsuits. Charles Krauthammer of the Washington Post puts it this way: "An authoritative Massachusetts Medical Society study found that five out of six doctors admitted they order tests, procedures and referrals -- amounting to about 25 percent of the total -- solely as protection from lawsuits. Defensive medicine, estimates the libertarian/conservative Pacific Research Institute, wastes more than $200 billion a year."
The astronomical costs of malpractice insurance is also forcing many doctors out of practice altogether leading to doctor shortages in some fields, including obstetrics. See my other post on "Malpractice Nonsense" here.
#6 -- "We are also committed to creating a pathway for the approval of generic biologic drugs...It is important to make generic versions of these drugs available as soon as possible. " However, "A U.S. House committee, voting 47-11, approved an amendment that would give brand-name makers of biologic drugs 12 years of exclusivity, dealing a setback to efforts by President Barack Obama and consumer groups to open the market to generic drug makers sooner," according to a WSJ article.
Is this just because the pharmaceutical companies are greedy and evil? No - why would they invest billions of dollars in developing a drug if the government will not allow them to recover that cost? "Amgen said in a recent statement that "without a fair and sustainable cycle of investment and returns in innovative R&D, biotech discovery will be stifled." Either someone will pay for ongoing innovation, or innovation will decrease. No matter how clever the legislation might be, Congress can't write the massive cost of developing a new drug out of existence.
#8 -- "Health Insurance Reform will prevent insurance companies from denying coverage because you have a pre-existing condition; prevent them for canceling coverage because you get sick; ban annual and lifetime limits on coverage..."
#9 -- "Resources that are devoted to health care cannot be used to provide the other goods and services that Americans want, including education, investment, and infrastructure."
Following this logic, perhaps our government should have reformed health care before pushing through the massive $787 billion stimulus package, which includes many "education, investment, and infrastructure" projects, in addition to many pieces of health reform that were piled in?
#10 -- "The majority of the initiatives that would pay for reform will come from cutting waste, fraud, and abuse within existing government health programs."
On the other hand, those against a private plan argue this is fuzzy math, or that these costs are lower because Medicare doesn't do enough to combat fraud and abuse. Estimates of fraud and abuse costs vary, but a 2005 study by the GAO indicated that the government doesn't even allocate enough people and resources to detecting fraud and abuse to come up with a reasonable estimate. However, "even a rate as low as 3 percent would mean a loss of almost $4.6 billion in federal funds in fiscal year 2003...roughly the amount that the federal government spent in fiscal year 2003 on the State Children’s Health Insurance Program."
So, if the government really wants to combat this, it will not be free, and it will require increased coordination with states. It will take several years for the "savings" to materialize.
Also, this type of reform is very difficult politically. For example, in some states, once a person qualifies for Medicaid under "means testing", they can continue on the program until they notify the state that they no longer want it. So, people can, and do, stay on Medicaid indefinitely. One way to "reform" this would be to make everyone undergo "means testing" again and re-enroll. Now pretend you are a politician trying to sell that idea in a town-hall meeting.
#11 -- "Adding more people to a broken system will only cost us more in the long run." Agreed - so fix the system, then work on expanding coverage to the uninsured. Don't try to cram it all through in one massive bill that nobody understands and that is full of hope and promise.
Obama's decision to do it all at once reveals his cynicism that the U.S. Congress can only get such difficult legislation done by not letting "a crisis go to waste". But, I thought Obama's brand of politics was supposed to be above petty things like cynicism?
U.S. Gov't to spend another 1/2 billion telling you how efficient they are!
Two weeks ago, the Wall Street Journal ran a story about how government agencies were moving their meetings from places like "Reno, Orlando and Las Vegas" to places like "St. Louis, Milwaukee or Denver." Even though Vegas and other places "have tens of thousands of hotel rooms and millions of square feet of conference space, [and] often offer the best deals on meetings and conferences." All to avoid the "appearance of being lavish," even though meetings in less-lavish places sometimes cost more. Local economies like Vegas are built around travel and are suffering in this recession. As of this May, home values in Vegas were down 45.3% from last year! To avoid "being lavish", the government is essentially taking money away from these locations and moving it to Detroit through bailouts and Cash for Clunkers.
This morning, "Congress Gets an Upgrade" is the top story on page 1 of the WSJ. "Congress plans to spend $550 million to buy eight jets, a substantial upgrade to the fleet used by federal officials at a time when lawmakers have criticized the use of corporate jets by companies receiving taxpayer funds." $550 million is five times the (projected) savings the government announced recently, and half as much as the $1.1 billion put aside in the stimulus "for the federal government to compare the effectiveness of different treatments for the same illness" Are these planes half as important as figuring out whether the blue pill or the red pill is more effective?
These plans include the purchase of two Boeing 737s that were being leased, plus the purchase of two more. I am not an expert, but these planes sound fairly "lavish" to me:
The 737s, known as C-40s by the military, are designed to be an "office in the sky" for government leaders, according to Air Force documents describing the plane. The plane is configured with all first-class leather seats, worktables, two large galleys for cooking and a "distinguished visitor compartment with sleep accommodations."
And what is Congress going to use these planes for? Many of them will fly around the country convincing taxpayers to fund a massive expansion of our government. The rest will fly around the country to argue against it.
I suppose if the expansion side wins the argument, $550 million will be just another drop in the bucket. And that's "just the beginning".
Obama's foreign policy should be more like Bush's
A few paragraphs in, Weisberg argues that Obama's foreign policy failures are the result of trying to be the anti-Bush:
So, let's get this straight -- Obama is facing "hazards" by being the anti-Bush, but he can't pursue Bush's policies because Bush discredited them? Certainly sounds like he is saying Obama's policies have been different than Bush's, but not any better, but that it's somehow all Bush's fault? Also sounds like he is saying Obama should learn from Bush's policy, but written in a way poorly contrived to give Obama the benefit of the doubt and maintain the storyline of Bush as an idiot.You can see a similar pendulum effect in foreign policy, where the object lesson is not Bill Clinton but George W. Bush. Obama, who did not have much global expertise before coming to office, molded his approach around his predecessor's errors. Bush's naive idealism and unilateralism encouraged Obama's realism and multilateralism. Bush's boycott of North Korea, Cuba, and Iran fed Obama's eagerness to engage pragmatically with those tyrannies. Bush's neglect of the Mideast peace process fed Obama's urge to plunge into it. The new president has reversed the old one's prioritization of Iraq over Afghanistan and, in what has become the political cliche of 2009, tried "hitting the reset button" on relations with Russia.
In so doing, Obama now faces an inverted set of hazards: getting overcommitted in Afghanistan, putting too much faith in the United Nations, accommodating dictators instead of standing up to them. Most alarmingly, given all that his predecessor did to discredit them, Obama has failed to stand up for the broader ideas of democracy promotion and humanitarian intervention. Surely if not for Bush, Obama's instinct after the Iranian election would have been to identify with those risking their lives to free their country, not to get back to his attempt at dialogue with Ahmadinejad"
(Thanks to the opinion page)
Malpractice Nonsense
"One reason physicians are so unhappy these days is that the definition of malpractice has changed. Malpractice is no longer defined as truly negligent or improper behavior. Now, a poor outcome alone triggers claims of 'malpractice.' The quality of care may be irrelevant.Firlik distinguishes between medical errors that are inherent in risky procedures and errors that are the result of professional mistakes. Like anything else in life, medical procedures are not 100% reliable, even if performed or prescribed perfectly. Firlik points out that, in spite of everyone's best efforts, surgical procedures result in infection about 1% of the time.
I have never been sued, but expect to be. The entire new generation of surgeons expects to be sued...It doesn't matter how good you are or how carefully you practice."
Under the old definition of malpractice, plaintiffs could sue and win primarily only for professional mistakes. For example, if it could be proven that an infection happened because of a failure to follow standard procedure in sterilization.
Under the new definition, plaintiffs can sue and win whenever they get an infection, even though 1% of all procedures result in infection, in spite of a perfectly-executed surgery according to the most current medical standards.
When you combine this with America's cherished trial-by-jury system, it results in extraordinary legal payouts for plaintiffs, much of which goes to the lawyers. An example of where this is particularly true is in obstetrics, where the involvement of children can lead to emotional jury decisions and larger-than-normal payouts.
Former Senator and Vice Presidential candidate John Edwards made his career (and fortune) coaxing large financial rewards out of juries who blamed birth defects on doctors who botched deliveries.
A Boston Globe article from 2003 points out how Edwards' courtroom pleas for empathy (in the form of dollars) became near-legendary:
His summations routinely went beyond a recitation of his case to a heart-wrenching plea to jurors to listen to the unspoken voices of injured children."I have to tell you right now -- I didn't plan to talk about this -- right now I feel her, I feel her presence," he said in his record-setting 1985 lawsuit on behalf of Jennifer Campbell, born brain-damaged after being deprived of oxygen during labor. "She's inside me and she's talking to you. . . . And this is what she says to you. She says, `I don't ask for your pity. What I ask for is your strength. And I don't ask for your sympathy, but I do ask for your courage.' "
The result of the changing definition of malpractice, combined with an empathetic jury system is that doctors cannot risk practicing medicine without buying malpractice insurance. The premiums for this are, naturally, rising. According to this website,
"A survey on medical liability issues conducted in 2006 by the American College of Obstetricians revealed that approximately 90 percent of the obstetricians in the United States had been sued at least once. Of the approximately 10,000 obstetrician respondents, the average number of lawsuits over a career is between two and three...
Florida is the highest [malpractice] premium state, with base premium rates as high as $238,728 in 2008 for Miami and Dade Counties, followed by states that include Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts."
So, who pays for this? When a plaintiff wins $2 million dollars in a malpractice suit, the doctor's insurance company makes the payment, which is split between many parties including the plaintiff (or plaintiffs), the lawyer(s), and others. The insurance company pays from its collected premiums. The premiums come from the many doctors using the insurance company. The doctors pay the premiums out of their salary (possibly with some help from their employer). The doctors or hospitals pass the cost on to YOU.
Another, indirect, financial cost of high malpractice awards is that they encourage "defensive medicine". Doctors, aware that a prosecutor might propose "what if?" scenarios to a jury, order extra tests and procedures to protect themselves from legal damages. What if Dr. X had ordered another sonogram or CT scan? Would that have saved the patient from these horrible consequences? But, Dr. X didn't do this, and therefore you, the responsible jury that you are, must declare that this doctor did not perform his professional duty! Never mind that these tests may rarely, or never, reduce the risk of the procedure, and that the machines required to perform these extra tests may cost millions of dollars, which is passed on to the patient in one form or another.
In addition to the financial costs, high premiums are leading to doctor shortages in some areas, where patients simply can't find an obstetrician. According to this May 2009 press release from the The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists:
Malpractice insurance costs have forced many obstetricians in New York to stop practicing obstetrics, refuse to care for high risk pregnancies, or leave the state...Many physicians are forced to give up obstetrics – or move to states that have appropriate and fair liability insurance rates...Eight New York counties have zero obstetricians: Essex, Greene, Seneca, Tioga, Washington, Yates, Schoharie and Hamilton. In addition, 18 counties have less than five practicing ob-gyns.
Insurance premiums are one of the reasons doctors in the U.S. require higher salaries than doctors in other countries, a statistic commonly cited in current debate on health care costs. However, other countries have taken steps to limit malpractice rewards. In Sweden, malpractice claims are handled by filling out a form, which is reviewed by a committee. In the UK, complaints are heard through the National Health Service, which avoids the lottery award system found in the U.S. Ironically, some have claimed that malpractice is less of a problem in the UK because the NHS is so inefficient and cash-strapped that people feel guilty suing them, even when the malpractice is very severe. (Example here) This bulletin from the American College of Surgeons explains how the Swedish system works, and that the primary opposition to such systems in the U.S. comes from a cultural expectation of very large awards for medical errors, from trial lawyers who would make less money, and resistance to making malpractice an exception to our trial-by-jury system.
Obama says everything is "on the table" when it comes to health care reform. Why isn't President Obama demanding reforms in malpractice insurance, which is part of everyone's medical costs? Perhaps it is because he is a lawyer, and feels empathy for others in his profession who might make less money under a reformed system? Perhaps it is because lawyers make up a large part of his donor base, and might stop contributing to his campaigns? Perhaps it is because he sees jury awards as a way to redistribute wealth from doctors who may have had advantages in life that the plaintiffs did not?
Our failed malpractice system increases the costs of health care in several financial and non-financial ways. These costs are passed on to you, through higher taxes, higher insurance premiums, higher deductibles, or other ways. "The government" doesn't pay for it. "The government" is the taxpayer, and the taxpayer is you. Obama says this is the time to fix health care. Let's do it.
Baltimore, Nancy Pelosi and Old Politics
"A contractor named Dominic Piracci, who seemed to have a corner on the city's garage-building business, was convicted of fraud, conspiracy and conspiracy to obstruct justice. Piracci and Tommy had long been friends, even before Piracci's daughter, Margie, married Tommy D'Alesandro III.Story B:
Piracci had erased some names from his ledgers. Among the names deleted: Nancy D'Alesandro. On the witness stand in Piracci's trial, Nancy admitted getting six checks totaling $11,130.78 from Piracci. But she swore that $1,500 of it was a gift to their newly wed children, Tommy III and Margie. The rest. she claimed, Piracci lent her to pay off debts incurred in her feed business and a venture with a skin softener called Velvex."
"On Tuesday, bakery magnate John Paterakis and City Councilwoman Helen L. Holton, a Democrat, were indicted for allegedly violating campaign finance rules stemming from a $6,000 check prosecutors say he wrote to pay for a political survey for the councilwoman.What do these two stories have in common?
Holton previously had been indicted for bribery in connection with the survey, but those charges were dismissed in May. Prosecutors are appealing the dismissal.
At least outwardly, city government appeared unfazed by the new indictments, with the city's Board of Estimates voting Wednesday morning to authorize about $500,000 in bond funds to improve streets near Paterakis' Harbor East development."
In both stories, we have public officials accused of granting deals to developers on the basis of financial "assistance". Both stories took place in Baltimore City, the first one in 1954, the second in 2009. Both events were excused by many citizens at the time as just another day in Baltimore - Think about all the jobs that are being created!
Story B is from this week, as part of the latest indictment of current Baltimore mayor Sheila Dixon. Within the past year, Mayor Dixon has been accused of many things, including using thousands of dollars in gift cards donated to be given to the poor on personal expenses. In a separate case, when prosecutors were seeking evidence on whether the city was working with businesses that were restricted due to conflicts of interest, they couldn't find enough evidence. The head of the office in charge of maintaining the records, which were incomplete, is a personal friend and appointee of Dixon. Dixon's reputation is so bad that President Obama took back an invitation for Dixon to meet with him at the White House and more than 70 mayors.
In Story A, Tommy D'Alesandro III is Speaker Nancy Pelosi's brother; Nancy D'Alesandro is her mother. Her father, the late Thomas J. D'Alesandro Jr., aka "Old Tommy", was the mayor of Baltimore at the time. Much of the coverage of Pelosi's Baltimore past describes it as "rough and tumble" or some other terms that makes her sound wise and experienced. In November of 2006, the Washington Post ran an excellent story about Nancy Pelosi's roots in Baltimore, Maryland, where Old Tommy was mayor from 1947 to 1959.
One of Pelosi's first experiences in politics was screening requests for audience with her father. "When she wasn't racing to school at St. Leo's in her blue uniform or buying sweets in Mugavero's Confectionery or playing on front stoops up and down the block, Little Nancy sometimes worked the front desk at the family home at 245 Albemarle St., taking down the requests and sad stories of the folks who arrived to seek help from Big Tommy, her dad."
"Little Nancy" learned about the art of trading support and favors for political influence. "More than a civic duty, politics during her parents' day was about survival for the sons and daughters of Italian immigrants forging their way in a big city. It was about jobs. It was about favors of the political ward bosses. It was about patronage." As long as the mayor's actions were "good for the community", many people, including juries, were willing to look the other way.
Of course, these exchanges were not entirely free of controversy. "Big-city machine politics, no matter where it was practiced, often was a magnet for criminality. If a person betrayed the boss's loyalty, the consequences sometimes weren't pretty. Corruption often went with the territory."
Now, if I were President Obama, looking for someone to implement new-style politics of hope and change, I might look for an outsider, someone with fresh ideas, to draft major legislation for me. However, Obama has delegated responsibilty for writing major legislation to Pelosi, whose roots are firmly planted in in the machine politics of Baltimore City, where the same politics rule that were in place 50 years ago. Pelosi seems more suited to implementing the same old politics nationwide than to putting aside the "old ways of doing business".
But, if Obama was looking for someone with knowledge of how to dole out government funds for "shovel-ready" construction projects, she seems to have plenty of experience with that.
America - what a country!
New Jersey canary in the U.S. coal mine?
In the wake of this scandal, Brad Parks, a former reporter with The (Newark, N.J.) Star-Ledger, wrote an article for this weekend's edition of the Wall Street Journal, titled "Poison Ivy in the Garden State", outlining the history of corruption in New Jersey government. According to the article, "it is generally accepted that, among the 50 U.S. states, only Louisiana compares with New Jersey in the pervasiveness of its corruption"
Although nobody is perfect and there are moral failings everywhere, Parks says the reason these kinds of scandals are so common in New Jersey is that Big Government is a catalyst for more corruption:
"The main that the state is enormously over-governed. In most states, the local unit of government is the county; in others, it’s the municipality. In Jersey, we have both, and lots of them. There are 566 municipalities—California, with four times the population, has only 480—and each has a mayor and/or councils. The 21 counties have their various freeholder boards and utility commissions and there are also 120 state legislators. When that many people have their hands in the cookie jar —and there are that many cookie jars—is it any wonder that you get people selling Oreos out of their trunk in the parking lot to make a little extra cash on the side?"In other words, the more complex the bureaucracy, the harder it is to keep track of who is involved in what, and where the money is going. Thus, as our Federal government expands, expect corruption and scandal to expand along with it.
When Congress passes a 1,300 page cap-and-trade bill, including a 309-page amendment Waxman dropped in just hours before the vote, does anyone actually believe all members of Congress read and understand it, and that the government is able to track how the bill is executed? In this environment, does it even matter if Obama keeps his promise of posting all non-emergency bills online for public review? Do you have time to read a dense, 1,300 page bill?
Think about the economic stimulus bill. If a few billion of the $787 billion were to "go missing", what could anyone do about it? If "only" tens of millions were wasted or misappropriated, is our government going to tell us that it is understandable that 1 or 2% of such a large amount is acceptable, and that they will form a committee to make sure they catch those responsible? (I have someone in mind to nominate to such a committee - his name rhymes with Buck Borris)
Dealing with the complexities of government has become so difficult that Bill Ritter, the governor of Colorado, has been under fire for hiring expensive outside lawyers to handle the state's stimulus funds. "We needed deep legal expertise on the most complex federal legislation passed in decades, and we needed it quickly"(emphasis mine), according to a spokeswoman. Of course, there are no headline stories about the money spent in Washington to draft the insane bill.
Also, although President Obama is rhetorically against the proliferation of lobbyist dollars due to his belief that they corrupt poor innocent civil servants, it's striking how the recent, massive expansion of government through the bailouts, the stimulus bill, and possibly health care "reform" in the near future, is increasing lobbying (see Major Players Increase Their Spending in Lobbying Fight Over Health Care and Obama’s stimulus: The Lobbyist Enrichment Act).
All of this in spite of increased scrutiny and public disapproval. Now, I'm not saying that all of these lobbyists are corrupt, but the potential is there, and as the government becomes involved with larger and larger pieces of our economy, with billions of government handouts at stake, this is to be expected.
In his article, Parks also asks why so many in New Jersey are so willing to put their reputations and careers on the line, sometimes for $5,000 or less. "The only possible explanation is that the graft is so widespread, they figure they’ll never get caught", he says.
Let us "hope" the article exaggerates the problem in New Jersey, and let us pray that enough people get caught to prevent corruption from becoming as entrenched on a larger scale.
Krauthammer's "Why Obamacare is Sinking"
"What happened to Obamacare? Rhetoric met reality...President Obama premised the need for reform on the claim that medical costs are destroying the economy. True. But now we learn -- surprise! -- that universal coverage increases costs."
"This is not about politics? Then why is it, to take but the most egregious example, that in this grand health-care debate we hear not a word about one of the worst sources of waste in American medicine: the insane cost and arbitrary rewards of our malpractice system?...the greatest waste is the hidden cost of defensive medicine: tests and procedures that doctors order for no good reason other than to protect themselves from lawsuits...Tort reform would yield tens of billions in savings. Yet you cannot find it in the Democratic bills. And Obama breathed not a word about it in the full hour of his health-care news conference. Why? No mystery. The Democrats are parasitically dependent on huge donations from trial lawyers."
"The only thing he hasn't promised is to extirpate evil from the human heart. That legislation will be introduced next week."
Moon Landings, the Human Genome Project, Blue Pills, and Red Pills.
The anniversary also generated stories about other great achievements, including the mapping of the human genome. Although scientists have mapped the genome, "the work on interpretation of genome data is still in its initial stages. It is anticipated that detailed knowledge of the human genome will provide new avenues for advances in medicine and biotechnology," (emphasis mine) according to the Wikipedia entry. In the late '90s, there was a stock market bubble in biotech stocks (around the same time as the .com bubble), based on the massive potential of the project. Human Genome Sciences (HGS) was one of the companies riding the wave, rising from below 5 to over 100, then crashing again when investors realized real, marketable treatments were years, or decades, away.
Many medical treatments work on some people, but not others. Sometimes drugs work better on certain ethnicities or other identifiable characteristics, and sometimes not. For example, I take a daily pill for allergies. I have tried many different pills for the same symptoms. Some work better than others, but doctors can't predict with certainty which one will work in advance. Drugs for mental health and many other things have a similar problem. The medical technology needed to target pills to specific patients simply does not exist yet in most cases.
Thus, private investors and the government, invested in a "moonshot" - the human genome project.
HGS's mission was to map human DNA so that someday, a doctor might be able to analyse my genes and prescribe the right allergy (or other) medicine based on that. However, almost 10 years after the biotech stock bubble, HGS is still an investment in potential and hope, although there is significant progress. According to the company website, "HGS has a well balanced and deep portfolio of novel drugs directed toward diseases that represent significant unmet medical need. Three of these products are in late-stage development." In other words, after more than a decade and billions of dollars of research, all of their products are still in development.
In Obama's news conference last night, he said "If there's a blue pill and a red pill, and the blue pill is half the price of the red pill and works just as well, why not pay half price for the thing that's going to make you well?" First, HMOs already try to do this, but the same pill might not be effective for all people, and the government cannot regulate this problem away. Second, very often we don't know which pill will work, contrary to Obama's rhetoric. This is one of many assumptions the President is asking us to make in order to restructure the health care system - that we have already achieved all of the goals of the human genome project. That medical science is more advanced than it really is. However, the truth is that Apollo is still on the launch pad.
Someday, we hope genetic researchers will be able to develop more reliable medicines. HGS stock tripled on Monday due to a successful trial of a potential lupus treatment, but it wasn't even noticable on the long-term stock chart. Investors, many burned when the last bubble burst, still generally see success as being far in the future. In contrast, Obama is asking us to commit billions of taxpayer money by the end of this year while the necessary medical technology could be decades away (I hope it's not, but it probably is).
Just as stock investors rushed into HGS years ago on the hope of medical miracles, Obama wants taxpayers to rush into medical "reform" on the hope of an unlikely combination of the same medical miracles, plus a slew of regulatory ones. Taxpayers should wait.